Fuel Your Learning 5 - Workplace Culture

In this instalment of Fuel Your Learning we look at two very different resources that have impacted our views on work culture. For very different reasons these tools have shaped the way we grow teams and build businesses. Unlocking high performance and striving to be the best you can be, whilst creating inclusive, stronger and more diverse organisations. A winning combination for us!

Hopefully you can take some value from this blog and take a step closer to being the people and companies you want to be.

1. Book: Legacy - What the All Blacks can teach us about the business of life, by James Kerr.
First off, this is definitely one of my favourite business books. The first time I read it on holiday, I finished it and started it again, making notes second time around. Returning from my holiday I then presented my findings to the board. There is not doubt in my mind that this is very impactful content.

James Kerr spent years with the All Blacks, the most successful sporting team of all time, studying their methods, values and practices. He has distilled all this learning down to 15 powerful and practical lessons for business and life.

You will find motivation and inspiration in every chapter from creating sustained success to reflecting on what you leave behind when you are done. Even if you are not a rugby fan, I implore you to read this book because it will make you a better leader and person.

'No Dick Heads'.

2. Microsite: Managing Bias, by Facebook.

With a lot of negative press surrounding Facebook at the moment, and rightly so, I am going to buck the trend and showcase something positive that they are doing.

This is a free microsite giving access to all their content and training videos around Managing Bias in the workplace. Many large organisations keep their internal policies and processes under-wraps, because they see it as a means of competitive advantage, but credit to Facebook. They want to share so everybody can strive to build more diverse and inclusive organisations.

Admittedly this is pretty top-line stuff, but as a resource to help smaller organisations who may not have HR and People departments, it can be very useful. Being aware of Unconscious Bias is the first step and these videos explain it well and provide a framework for action. There are also some useful downloadable tools at the end of the site.

We hope these two useful learning resources will help you on your own journey to build a brilliant and inclusive business.
